Picture Gallery 3: Wharfedale views

The pages below are under development and will be updated on a regular basis.
All images are from the author's collection unless othwise indicated


Cowside: one of Wharfedale's oldest farmsteads. February 24, 2008.

Landslip at Raisgill

Landslip at Raisgill: great masses of unstable glacial drift higher up the fellside slip down over the limestone terraces as an inhomogenous slurry when they become destabilised after prolonged rainfall.

Raisgill Rolling Stones

"Rolling Stones" Weathering of the exposed terraces high above the road breaks up the limestone into these unstable boulders.

Flood risings along the PB

In flood conditions, the water-logged fellside is drained by numerous bedding-plane resurgences along the level of the Porcellanous Band near Starbotton.

Fossgill resurgence on the PB

Foss Gill Cave is a resurgence for Foss Gill Pot and other sinks on the fell above. The strong band of limestone across the centre of the picture is a one metre thick bed of porcellanous limestone underlain by an uncertain thickness of less competent black shaly limestone. Circled is a fallen block of porcellanous limestone.

Fossgill resurgence on the PB

Looking down Upper Wharfedale from Slades Pasture, Cray. A classical U-shaped valley resulting from the movement of a glacier down the valley towards the end of the last ice-age. Buckden to the left is built on an outwash fan from Buckden Gill. Redmire Farm to the right is built on a mound of glacial moraine stretching out into the flat valley floor, the remant of a glacial lake. In the left foreground Cray Gill winds away through heaps of glacial drift whilst in the right foreground a small stream has emerged from under the limestone beds to meander across the low-lying hay meadows.

Fossgill resurgence on the PB

A view from above Kettlewell looks over the village and a glacial lake flat towards the limestones slopes of Knipe Scar quite typical of the Dales landscapes.

Wharfedale from Earl Seat. The hamlet of Drebley to the left, Appletreewick to the right.

Ancient field patterns around Thorpe.

Any shortcomings in the text are entirely my own.
If you would like to get in touch or add information, there is an email address:

Steve Warren

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